Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer is not the season for playing for this Ingress household.

For those who don't know a lot about me, I am a wife, mom to three, and a student.  When my mom passed last August, I dropped classes as soon as I could and have been trying to do what I can to resolve all of the issues that have come up since her passing.  I played a bit more before Summer started because I didn't have classes.  Now the kids are with me during the Summer and it is almost impossible to go out and play on a regular basis.  It stinks!

I have a son that is almost 12 (MoonGnome22) that is a L8 and has been the same level for well over a year now.  He plays when I beg him to play (for my benefit, really).  Then I have my twirls (twin girls, MadBlueKitty and MadUnicorn) that just turned 7 and both are L6 (barely).  MadUnicorn is my most enthusiastic player.  On her 7th birthday she wanted to get to L7 but it just got too late at night - but she did get a lot closer.  She likes to play Ingress with me because usually it is just the two of us, and she loves her time alone with me.  Ideally, I would love to see them both get to L8 before the end of the Summer, but that is highly unlikely.

My game has come to a virtual stand-still.  I get my daily hack in and play sporadically when I run errands, but MercuryMaiden feels almost retired from the game right now... but I promise you, I am not.

After doing intel for Shonin Orlando and Persepolis DC, combined with my availability to play, I simply don't have the desire to push a car load of kids to join me for AP grabs.  I'm a L13 player and it will be a long while before I see 14, so I'm not hurting.

I have quietly backed away from virtually all G+ Hangouts, but am still available if needed.  You know how to find me.

As always, I am happy to help new players or help seasoned players with something when needed.  So just because you don't see my name on the scanner very often, it doesn't mean I am gone.  In fact, I'm keeping my eye on you all ;-)

Have a wonderful Summer, everyone!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Glyph Hacking

Glyph Hacking has become a wonderful way to get AP, Gear, and a Badge.  You can hack all day without glyph hacking and still advance in the game.  I hated Glyph Hacking because I really sucked at it.  I'm a mom.  I have mommy brain.  Glyphs did not compute.  I am happy to report that I did finally earn my Bronze Translator badge after a lot of bitching.

First, I highly suggest going to the app store and downloading Glypher.  It is a training program.  You learn the Glyphs and trace them, and you learn the names of each Glyph, too.  As a good friend of mine and fellow Ingress Player told me, when you learn the names of the Glyphs, and you Glyph Hack, you will see phrases begin to emerge.  Once you learn the names and the phrases, you've got it down.  Sounds like a lot of work, I know.  I promise you, it is worth it.

I found this great page that might help you learn the glyphs without the Glypher app:
The Ingress Glyph Memorization Guide

As pictured above from the Ingress Glyph Memorization Guide, you can see how these Glyphs make sense.  Once you can connect the logic behind the Glyphs and their shapes, they're easier to learn.  Visit the page and have a look.

The phrases each Glyph Hack series make are ones that you can memorize, too.  I haven't been able to get that far.  However, there is a great site where you can find All Glyph Hack Sequences and learn the phrases.

Learn the Glyphs, learn the phrases, and then you will become a master Glyph Hacker.  Be warned, you get a lot of extra gear and you will find yourself wondering what to recycle to make room for the next hack.  That's a problem I don't mind having!

Have fun Glyph Hacking!

Resistance Swag

So, I have this new hobby and it includes making vinyl Resistance Keys.  Ingress/Niantic has a copyright on the image, even though you can go to countless online retailers and purchase the item at an inflated cost.  I wanted keys but I did not want to pay that much for them.

I am offering you the chance to make an exchange with me.  I will make the vinyl if you give me what it costs to make the product.  I learned and aced Accounting in college, and it was taught in a fashion to learn Managerial Accounting in a manufacturing setting (so I know what I am doing when I estimate the cost of my vinyl and transfer paper materials).  I'm only charging for the materials - no overhead cost of my time or power to my vinyl cutter.

Here's what they look like:

And if you are interested in exchanging my materials for the money it takes to produce them, I have a form for you to fill out:

I already have a lot of these printed.  If there is a size you have in mind that I do not have listed, put it into the form and I will get back to you.  I can print a Key that is, at best, 11.5 inches high.

I also have other vinyl products available, but will put them on a page (eventually) and you can look at what I am selling for profit.  The keys are for fun, and so you can show your Resistance pride on just about any surface.  Look me up on G+ and send me a Hangout or Private Message if you have questions, or you can reply to my post and I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Badge Tracker for Excel Nuts Like Me!

I track my stats using an Excel spreadsheet that has formulas that auto calculate your status - you have to fill in very few areas.  There are comments on the sheet that will guide you and help you figure out where you need to type your information.  I use it for tracking badge progress along with level progression (Level 9+).  I know there's an app out there to track stats, but since I'm an Excel Addict, I prefer this for the time being.

Here's the latest version since the Sojourner badge was released.  Download it and plug in your stats.  Let me know if you have any problems with it or questions.  This was designed around what I like, and it may not fit your needs.  Either way, your feedback is welcome (just don't be rude :))

Quick Screen Capture for Example:

Hello World!

Hello everyone!

I decided to start this blog for several reasons, but mostly to help fellow players and promote myself when needed (more of that to come).

I am currently a L12 Ingress Resistance player, MercuryMaiden.  I think I started Ingress late July 2013.  I began playing because my husband TheBeerGnome was playing and I would take him places to hack and blow up portals.  Then he'd get home a little later than normal, and I knew he was stopping by a few portals on the way home.  So, I signed up to see what all the fuss was about.

During that time, the frogs rarely played, and I live in a more rural area outside of the city, where there are no frogs playing.  It took 6 weeks of fielding repetitively and doing what I could to get to L8 (way back before there were badges, stats, anomalies, etc.).  Now, I've far surpassed my husband on Ingress play because I'm just addicted.  I can't help myself!

More to come later.  Time to be a mommy for a while and then I will come back and start working on a few things I've planned and promised for my fellow agents.